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Monday, June 29, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

I know that I'm days late with a post about Michael Jackson but I just had to wrap my mind around his sudden death. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. It just seems surreal. Death is part of life but it always seems unimaginable when it's your favorite artist.

See, I'm an 80's baby so his death affected me in a different kind of way. His music is the soundtrack of my childhood. I had school supplies and posters with Michael's images on them. I tried my hardest to mimmick his dance routines. I could recite the lyrics to all his songs. I caught every one of his award show performances. Nobody was touching Michael. Not even Prince ;-)

Michael's videos were played on regular network channels. People would lose their damned minds over him. Fainting and everything. He still has the best-selling album in music history. People still can't touch Michael. My man shut down Twitter, Facebook, and Google because of the reports surrounding the conditions leading up to his death.

What I loved most about Michael was his ability to appeal to people multiculturally, multiracially, and most importantLI, multigenerationally. I can't think of one artist as of late that has multigenerational appeal.

I'd like to wrap this post with some amazing videos and songs by and including Michael Jackson. Rest in peace, Michael. You're in a better place.

"Can You Feel It" by The Jacksons:

"Beat It" by Michael Jackson:

"Got to Be There" by Michael Jackson: